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Iulie 2010 – Caranda Baterii – 2010 Country Representative – European Business Awards  

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Iulie 2010 – Caranda Baterii – 2010 Country Representative – European Business Awards

Dear Lucian Jeglinschi,

I wanted to personally extend my congratulations to you and the rest of your colleagues on becoming a Country Representative for Romania in this year’s European Business Awards.

In such difficult economic times it is easy for businesses to use the excuse of the climate as the reason for mediocre performance. Companies like CARANDA BATERII SRL prove that even in such difficult times strong businesses can still make excellent progress.

It is for that reason we are showcasing your company to the rest of the business community in the hope that we can inspire and encourage others to emulate your success. A stronger business community makes for a stronger Europe.

Once again, well done on creating such a fantastic company and I look forward to following your progress through the competition.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Tripp
Chief Executive Officer
The European Business Awards

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